If you spot a messed up sign, sticker, license plate, menu or even something you think is funny, shoot me an email (including the picture) and I will post it as I get the chance. funnysnapshot@gmail.com
Also, I get "Blood Money" for new shirts if you click here and buy a shirt.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Haven't we seen enough?

Got Milk, Got Gas, Got Diarrhea, Got Toilet Paper, Got Immodium, Got Relief from Diarrhea, Got Empty Stomach, Got to Stop the "Got ?" Signs!


  1. Here, here!


  2. Thanks Kim, I agree the "Got" signs have to stop and it's good to see someone has already started a campaign to ridicule the signs into submission.

    I'll keep an eye on that blog to see how it pans out.
